If siblings, please register older child first

Personal Information


Signing this waiver will be required before you can purchase a membership. Checking this box will be accepted as your signature. You can view our downloadable waiver form at https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/b8490a20-5b9c-4826-a017-648fd7c1e2d9/downloads/covid%20waiver%202022.pdf?ver=1651165916855

Yes! I want a TennisForChildren dampener for my child's racquet

  • T4C dampener

    T4C dampener

    Kids LOVE putting dampeners in their racquets to increase personalization

    $3.50 ea.


  • Enter the name of the TennisForChildren member who referred you to us.They receive 50% off a MONTH of tennis!

  • I was not referred by an TennisForChildren member.

Almost done. Where should we send the confirmation?

RegFox Event Registration Software